Registration fees
Registration & Payment Fees before Dec 10, 2023 | Registration & Payment Fees between Dec. 11, 2023 to Jan. 16, 2024 | |
Full Participation (two days) | 370 USD | 410 USD |
Daily Participation | 240 USD | 275 USD |
Full Participation Student (two days) | Including lunch 140 USD Not including lunch 60 USD |
Including lunch 165 USD Not including lunch 80 USD |
Daily participation – Student | Including lunch 95 USD Not including lunch 40 USD |
Including lunch 105 USD Not including lunch 50 USD |
Daily participation Accompanying Person | 125 USD | 145 USD |
A student card must be attached to the registration form
Participation fees include participation in all sessions, entrance to the exhibition, coffee breaks,
lunch (unless you indicated differently) and participant kit.
Participate fees do not include satellite events.
Payment for early registaraion must be issued no later than January 10, 2024
Cancellations are subject to a processing fee of 30% of the fees as specified above.
No refunds will be issued for cancellations after December 15th 2023.
We suggest early registration to secure your place
For more information please contact Ayala Tabak-Dar: or by phone +972-50-6429080
Hi, I was unable to complete the registration as it requires Business VAT ID.
In my company, staff are expected to cover the cost of accommodation and overseas conference registration fees and claim back after the trip. Please allow me to pay with my credit card for the course registration.
Thank you.
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