08:00 – 09:10
Registration |
09:10 – 09:20 |
Opening Igal Bar-Ilan, Chairman of Isranalytica 2023
09:20 – 09:30 |
Musical Interlude |
09:30 – 10:20
 Plenary Session |
Chair: Israel Schechter
10:20 – 10:50 |
Coffee Break |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hall C |
Hall D |
Session A |
Session B |
Session C |
Session D |
Medical Analytical Chemistry
Spectroscopy |
Metrology and Quality (I) IUPAC/CITAC Workshop |
Nano in Analytical Chemistry |
Chair: Igal Bar-Ilan |
Chair: Israel Schechter |
Chair: Ilya Kuselman |
Chair: Daniel Mandler |
10:50 – 11:20
Start-UPS using Analytical Chemistry: From Inception to Product Development to Market Edan Razinovsky Respiration Scan, Israel
LIBS-MLIF of REE for Isotopic Analysis Michael Gaft Ariel University, Israel
Uncertainty Principle in Conformity Assessment of Chemical Composition of a Substance or Material Ilya Kuselman Consultant, Israel
Nanostructured Optical Biosensors for Agro-Pollutants Detection Giorgi Shtenberg Volcani Institute, Israel
11:20 – 11:40 |
Botanical Drug Discovery – Exceptional Case Study Rotem Perry Feigenbaum Cannasoul Analytics, Israel
Detection of φx-174 virus Based on Native Auto-Fluorescence: Potential for Detecting Pathogenic Viruses Yair Farber Kinneret Academic College, Israel
Generalization of the JCGM Approach to Conformity Assessment of a Sample of Products, Materials or Objects Francesca Pennecchi INRiM – Italian National Institute for Research in Metrology, Italy
Development and Sensing Application of Nucleic Acid Dissipative Networks Yu Ouyang The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
11:40 – 12:00 |
Challenges in Analysis of Vitamins in Dietary Supplements Shira Rosencwaig Ministry of Health, Israel
Application of Argentometric Chloride Determination by ICP-OES to a Wide Range of Sample Matrices Nadav Lerner Ben Gurion University, Israel
Application of Two-way Ordinal Analysis of Variation for Comparison of Results of Examination of Organoleptic (Sensory) Properties of Drinking Water, Sausage or Other Objects Tamar Gadrich Braude College of Engineering, Israel
Monitoring the Activity and Inhibition of Cholinesterase Enzymes using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Fluorescent Sensors Dan Loewenthal Tel Aviv University, Israel
12:00 – 12:20 |
Fast Whole Blood Analysis for Medical Diagnostics by GC-MS with Cold EI Benny Neumark Tel-Aviv University, Israel
A New Method for Monitoring Polymerization of `Pre-preg` Composite Material Using FTIR and Machine Learning Adva Ziv Zehavi Cohen IAF, Israel
Traceability in Qualitative Analysis Elvar Theodorsson Linköping University, Sweden
Miniaturized, High Resolution Plasmonic Sensors Ibrahim Abdulhalim Ben Gurion University, Israel
12:20 – 12:40 |
Glycoproteomics of Human Sera for the Discovery of Biomarkers for Dementia David Morgenstern Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Molecular Structure Effects upon Multiphoton Electron Extraction Spectroscopy and their Utilization in Analysis of Energetic Materials Danny Fisher Technion, Israel
A Metrology-Based Quality Assurance System for Clinical Laboratories in Europe Bernd Güttler Physikalisch-technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
The Effect of Structural Isomers on the Recognition in Nanoparticle Imprinted Matrices (NAIMs) Din Zelikovich The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
12:40 – 14:00
Lunch Break and Poster Presentations |
14:00 – 14:10 |
14:10 – 14:20
Musical Interlude |
14:20 – 15:10
 Plenary Session
Chair: Joseph Almog
15:10 – 15:40 |
Coffee Break |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hall C |
Hall D |
Session E |
Session F |
Session G |
Session H |
Forensic Analysis – I |
Analytical Technique & Instrumentation
Metrology and Quality (II) IUPAC/CITAC Workshop
Poster Session |
Chair: Michal Levin |
Chair: Raz Jelink |
Chair: Markus Obkircher |
Chair: Aviv Amirav |
15:40- 16:10
“MALDI-CSI”: A Proposed Method for the Tandem Detection and Imaging of Human Blood and DNA Typing from Enhanced Fingermarks Ravell Bengiat Israel Police, Israel
Cyclodextrin Complexation in the Design of High-Performance Chemical Sensors Mindy Levine Ariel University, Israel
Development of New Standards for the Production and use of Reference Materials Angelique Botha NMISA, South Africa
The poster session will allow some of the poster authors to give a 6-minute lecture (6 slides per lecture).
15 lectures will be given in this session. First come, first served to give his lecture.
Registration for giving the lecture will be done by email to the address:
Division of Metabolite Medicine at the BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery Michał Kaczmarek BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery, Israel 
Fast Saliva Analysis by GC-MS with Cold EI and Open Probe Fast GC-MS for the Detection of Cannabis Usage Oneg Elkabets Tel Aviv University, Israel 
Sensitivity Comparison Between GC-MS with Cold EI and Standard EI Alex Yakovchuk Tel-Aviv University, Israel 
Real or fake? Aroma Profiling of Plant-Based Alternative Foods using Sorptive Extraction and GC×GC–TOF MS Terry Buckland Schauenburg Analytics, UK 
Uncovering Hidden Compositional Changes in Breath Profiles using Thermal Desorption with GC×GC-TOF MS and Chemometrics Terry Buckland Schauenburg Analytics, UK 
16:10 – 16:30
Rapid Blood-Traces Fixing at Crime Scenes with Heat Sarena Wiesner DIFS, Israel
Mixed-Ligand Metallic Nanoparticle Based Sensing: when 1+1 > 2 Offer Zeiri NRCN, Israel
The review of ISO/IEC 17043 – Requirements for PT Providers Steve Sidney National Laboratory Association, South Africa
16:30- 16:50
A Likelihood-Ratio Framework for Evaluating Results of Forensic Gunshot Residue Analysis Hila Rosengarten DIFS, Israel (10 min) 
Psilocin –The “Real Deal” or an Extraction Byproduct Dana Tenne DIFS, Israel (10 min) 
Setup of Free Carotenoid Analysis Approach using State-of-the-Art Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High Definition Ion-Mobility qToF Maxim Itkin Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Considering the ICH Concept of ‘Total Analytical Error’ in Validation of Analytical Procedures of Pharmaceuticals Raphy Bar BR Consulting, Israel
16:50– 17:10
Evaporation of Ignitable Liquid Residues in Soil Dan Muller DIFS, Israel
LIBS-MLIBS-MLIF Methods for Be Quantitative Analysis Lev Nagli Ariel University, Israel
Ensuring Consumer Safety with Certified Reference Materials, Applications and PT Studies for Pesticide Testing in Cannabis Markus Obkircher Merck KGaA, Switzerland
17:10 – 17:30
Successful Machine Learning Applications in Forensic Sciences Omer Kaspi Bar Ilan University, Israel
Purification of IgG’s, IgM’s and Human Serum Albumin with: Engineered-Micelles Guy Patchornik Ariel University, Israel
Study of Reference Materials and Establishment of the Metrological Traceability System for in Vitro Diagnostics Hongmei LI National Metrology Institute, China
17:30 – 17:50
Ninhydrin and its New Forensic Usage as Human Fluid Detector On Mero DIFC, Israel
The Impact of Metrology on the Quality of Measurements for Climate Change Studies Michela Sega INRiM – Italian National Institute for Research in Metrology, Italy
